Join Arjan Roksam and his dedicated team on an exhilarating quest across Colombia, as they embark on a mission to locate three of the country’s rarest...
El Chapo: The Legend of Shorty” chronicles the journey of two filmmakers as they delve into the myth surrounding the notorious Mexican drug lord, El Chapo...
The Culture High thoroughly examines the complexities surrounding the legalization of marijuana, expanding upon the groundwork laid by Brett Harvey’s previous documentary. It aims to uncover...
Silk Road: Drugs, Death, and the Dark Web delves into the clandestine online marketplace known as Silk Road, which made its debut on the dark web...
Tortured by Mum and Dad: The Turpin 13 uncovers the chilling tale of the Turpin family. Outwardly, they appeared as a model family, but beneath the...
The Golden State Killer: Main Suspect delves into one of the most notorious killing sprees in American history. After a decades-long pursuit of the Golden State...
On March 4, 2018, in the picturesque southern English city of Salisbury, renowned for its 13th-century Cathedral and the ancient landmark of Stonehenge, a startling incident...
Leaving Neverland delves into the accounts of Wade Robson and James Safechuck, who claim they were groomed and sexually abused by pop icon Michael Jackson during...
The Murder of Jill Dando delves into the tragic killing of English journalist and Crimewatch presenter Jill Dando, which occurred on her own doorstep over two...
At the Heart of Gold uncovers the scandal within the United States Olympic team, which came to light following accusations and convictions of sexual abuse against...